If you are considering purchasing a recreational vehicle in Bethlehem, PA, you need to take some time to understand RV insurance. Don’t assume that your car insurance will cover your recreational vehicle. Unless it’s being towed by your car, your RV needs a stand-alone RV insurance policy.
Here are the reasons you should purchase RV insurance from Saucon Insurance Agency:
Protects your asset
Whether you have a motorhome or campervan, you must have spent a fortune to acquire it. That said, you should do everything to ensure your prized asset is safe and secure. Besides routine maintenance, investing in RV insurance ensures your vehicle is safe from risks like fire, vandalism, falling objects, and theft. RV insurance protects your vehicle by compensating you when the risks listed in your policy occur.
Liability protection
You expect to have limitless fun every time you hit the road with your RV. Regrettably, your trip may become a nightmare if you cause an accident resulting in injuries and property damage to other people. You could be sued for negligence, which can ruin your finances if you don’t have RV insurance.
It’s required
If your RV is towable, like a travel trailer, you don’t need RV insurance since your auto insurance covers the trailer. However, if your RV is motorized, you must purchase RV insurance to use your vehicle legally on Pennsylvania roads.
Failure to have the required RV insurance may result in fines and penalties, including license suspension. You don’t deserve this trouble because you can get affordable RV insurance by contacting us.
RV insurance in Bethlehem, PA
Would you like to protect your RV with insurance? You are on the right track. All you need now is to contact Saucon Insurance Agency for an affordable quote.