Driving a car is a necessity for many people. At the same time, it is a very important responsibility that all people need to take seriously. If you do own a car and drive it on a regular basis, having auto insurance in place is a necessity. There are several auto insurance requirements that all Bethlehem, PA area residents need to be aware of. Saucon Insurance Agency will be able to help ensure you get into a policy that allows you to meet these requirements.
Liability Coverage
Similar to other states, Arizona requires that all drivers carry liability insurance on their vehicle whenever they are on the road. For drivers in Arizona, the minimum coverage requirements are $10,000 in property damage per incident and minimum bodily injury coverage of $15,000 per person with a cap of $30,000 per accident. While this is all that you are required to carry by law, it is recommended that you get higher liability insurance coverage levels to ensure you are properly protected.
Collision and Comprehensive
While you are only required by law to carry liability insurance on your car, it would still be a good idea to get collision and comprehensive coverage. This will provide you with financial coverage if your car is stolen, damaged in an accident, or vandalized. Furthermore, if you have a loan or lease out on your car, you will be required by law to carry this type of insurance.
For those that are looking for a new car insurance policy in the Bethlehem, PA area, speaking with the Saucon Insurance Agency would be a great option. This company will be able to provide you with a variety of services to ensure you are properly protected and in compliance with all relevant requirements.