Having a car is a practical necessity for many people. Due to the importance of a vehicle making sure you have proper insurance is very important. For those that are in the Bethlehem, PA area, there are several types of coverage that need to be in place in order to stay in compliance with the law other parties.
Property Damage Liability
In the state of Pennsylvania, you will be required to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance on your vehicle. One part of this is property damage coverage. While you should likely have more coverage than the minimum, the state requires you to have at least $5,000 in property damage coverage. This will cover the damage of the other party’s vehicle in the event you are found at fault in an accident
Bodily Injury Liability
The state will also require you to carry a minimum amount of bodily injury liability coverage. This will provide medical coverage to those that are involved in an accident. The state requires you to carry coverage amounts of at least $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident.
Comprehensive and Collision Coverage
While the state requirements only require you to have liability insurance, you will likely need to have additional collision and comprehensive insurance in the event you have an auto loan. These types of coverage will provide you with coverage in the event your vehicle is damaged in an accident if it is stolen, damaged, or involved in an accident with an animal.
If you are in the Bethlehem, PA and are in need of auto insurance, the Saucon Insurance Agency will be able to provide you with valuable services. The Saucon Insurance Agency will be able to help you to better understand your insurance needs and make sure you get into the right policy.