Can a tourist purchase a car in the Bethlehem, PA and insure it himself?

If you are visiting Bethlehem, Pennsylvania for an extended period of time, you might be interested in purchasing a vehicle just for your trip and then reselling it before you leave. While you can certainly find good deals on used cars, finding insurance might be a trickier proposition. Before you purchase a car for your vacation, keep the following points in mind.

Insuring a Car if You Are From Another State

If you are visiting Pennsylvania from another state, there are some challenges you will face in insuring a vehicle that you buy just for your vacation. First, you will need to register your vehicle locally before you can operate it. Second, you might have difficulty finding an insurance agent that will allow you to insure the vehicle without a valid state license.

Additionally, when you are purchasing insurance to drive in the Bethlehem areas, you will need to make sure that the insurance policy that you do purchase is compliant with Pennsylvania insurance laws. The downside is that the insurance laws in Pennsylvania might be more expensive to comply with than the requirements in your home state.

Insuring a Car if You Are an International Tourist

If you are a driver from another country, insuring a vehicle that you purchase in the United States will be especially difficult. Most insurance companies will require that you have a valid driver’s licence from within the United States before your insurance application can be processed. If you are from another country, it is important to recieve advice from an independent agent who can help you locate the insurance companies that will work with tourists from out of the country.

How an Independent Agent Can Help

Despite the pitfalls of purchasing an auto for your vacation, there might be reasons that you would prefer to obtain your own vehicle rather than rent a car. If you contact us, we can make obtaining insurance during your vacation a smoother process by helping you determine the best course of action for insurance for your vehicle.

I Don’t Have Any Major Business Assets in Bethlehem, PA. Why Do I Need Insurance?

Most businesses need insurance, including those in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. By working closely with your independent agent, you will be able to learn which types of insurance are right for your specific needs. Most importantly, you need to consider what risks your business faces and, as a result, which types of insurance are necessary to protect against those risks. Every business is different.

No Assets?

If your business does not have assets, you still may need insurance. For example, you will likely need liability coverage. Virtually all businesses need this type of protection. It helps to protect your business, and in some cases your personal assets, from lawsuits that may occur when a product or service does not meet the needs of the customer. If you are a contractor, for example, a mistake on the job, even by an employee, may cause damage to the property or even injure the client. When this happens, and the client suffers losses, you may be responsible for those losses. A single lawsuit can often times lead to costly fines and lawsuits.

In addition to this type of commercial insurance, your business may also need workers compensation. If you have employees, this may be a requirement within your state. Even if it is not a requirement, having workers compensation coverage can help ensure every employee is protected should someone become injured.

It is also important to talk to your independent agent about your need for coverage that covers your losses, such as damage to inventory or events that close your business for a short period of time. Even if you do not have major assets, your business may still need insurance protection. By talking to your agent, you can learn more about the types of insurance that may be right for your individual situation.

I own a business in Bethlehem, PA, that has been forced to shut down because of a power outage. Am I covered for these losses?

If a storm hits the Lehigh Valley and causes a power outage, your focus should be on simply staying safe until the bad weather passes. Of course, lost revenue could negatively affect your business and even your ability to pay your personal bills. But with the proper insurance coverage, you can put these concerns out of your mind and pass the time as pleasantly as possible until your power is working again.

Commercial insurance is intended to protect businesses from property damage and other losses, much as homeowners’ insurance protects individual homes. If your Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, business is forced to shut down due to a power outage, you’ll worry about how you are going to cover the loss of business during this time. One possibility is that your commercial insurance will cover those losses. However, it isn’t safe to assume that it will. Talking to your independent agent and developing a commercial insurance plan with the appropriate types and amounts of coverage before a power outage occurs is the best way to make sure that you don’t suffer from lost revenue.

Utility interruption coverage falls under your business interruption coverage. It covers the loss of revenue you experience from not being able to operate your business for a period of time. However, business owners should keep in mind that, depending on their policy details, they may be without power for up to three days before their utility interruption coverage kicks in. Physical damages that occur from the power outage, however, fall under property damage coverage. Discuss both utility interruption coverage and utility services direct damage coverage with your independent insurance agent to make sure you have all the coverage you need before the next blackout or downed power line occurs.

Can a Learner Driver in Bethlehem, PA be Added to an Existing Auto Insurance Policy?

Teaching a driver with a learner’s permit in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania to drive will require insurance for that individual. If you want them to drive your car, then you will also need to add the individual to your policy. Fortunately, it is not hard to add a driver to your auto insurance policy.

Evaluate the Situation

Even though it is possible to add an individual to any auto policy, it may not be necessary if you are only taking the individual out for a one-time excursion. A driver who is not actively operating the car on a regular basis will still be covered under your policy if you take him or her out once.

If you plan to teach the individual to drive from the foundation, then you will want to add him or her to your policy, even if you do not live in the same house. Any individual who drives your car regularly must be added to the existing coverage plan.

Contact the Insurer

The only way to add a learner driver to your current insurance plan is by informing your insurer about the situation. Tell your insurer that you want to add the individual to your plan and then provide any details that are requested. The insurer will need to know the name, age and other details before they can provide coverage.

It is possible to add a new driver to your current policy if you are planning to teach the person how to drive. You should expect your premium to increase, though the exact rate will vary between insurers. When your insurance plan is no longer appropriate or when you cannot add a new driver to the plan, working with an independent agent can help. Contact us to talk to an agent for more details.

Insuring a New or Used Car

You may find differences in auto insurance requirements based on the purchase of a new or old car. The requirements depend more on a vehicle loan and the value over your area of residence. Keep these factors in mind when you are looking at vehicles in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

New Car

Most auto buyers take out some type of loan to buy a new car. The lender will likely require you to insure the vehicle for at least the loan amount. You will need to have theft and collision coverage for the value of the vehicle. If your car is stolen or totaled, the lender is covered. This also protects you from being responsible for a loan on a vehicle you no longer have.

Even if you purchase a new auto without a loan, you should protect your investment. If you do not have insurance, you face a full loss if your car is stolen or destroyed in a collision.

Used Car

You are not required to obtain a different type of insurance if you purchase a used vehicle for cash. If you do obtain a loan, the lender will require the same insurance as a new car. However, even without a loan, some additional insurance may be beneficial to you. Unless you purchase a very old car for a few hundred dollars, you want to protect your investment.

Older vehicles can be insured against total loss, the amount you would receive is based on the value of the vehicle at the time of loss. Do look at the additional cost of this insurance, your deductible and the value of your car. If you car is worth $2000 and you have a $500 deductible, the extra insurance may be worth it to you.

All drivers, including those in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, need to have the state minimum liability coverage. As an independent agent, we can help you determine the right auto insurance coverage for your unique situation. Contact us today for the information you need to make the right insurance decision.

I wasn’t at fault for the accident. How do I get my deductible back in Bethlehem, PA?

The issue of deductibles can be tricky for many drivers in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. While we often think that our expenses will be completely reimbursed if we are not at fault for an accident, this is typically not the case. If you were in an accident, and you had to pay a deductible, here are a few things to tips to keep in mind before you contact your auto insurance company.

How Deductible Works

A deductible on your insurance policy refers to the amount of money that you are expected to chip in after you have been in an accident. Before your auto insurance company will assist you in covering your expenses, you must pay the minimum threshold of the deductible. For example, if you have a $500 deductible and an accident causes $2000 worth of damages, you will be expected to pay the deductible before the insurance company pays the additional $1500 for your damages.

What to Expect After a No-Fault Accident

Even if you do not cause an accident, you will be expected to pay the deductible before your insurance company will chip in and help cover your expenses. While this can be a frustrating policy, insurance companies keep this approach is place to provide an incentive for responsible driving behavior. The common belief is that if the policyholder and the insurance company share mutual responsibility for the expense of an accident, then covered drivers will be more vigilant in doing everything they can to avoid dangerous driving situations.

How An Independent Agent Can Help

Because there is little wiggle room when it comes to paying deductibles, it is important to make sure that you have reasonable deductibles from the start. Even if you are a safe driver, accidents caused by others could cost you. If you contact us today, an independent agent can help you obtain reasonable deductibles and help you keep your costs low in the case of an accident.

I have specifically insured antique items listed on my homeowner’s insurance policy in Bethlehem, PA. If I have a total loss, would the home insurance company pay me their insured value?

There are a lot of different parts to a homeowners insurance policy. There is the dwelling amount, personal items coverage amount, endorsements and even personal item floaters that can be on the policy. To help you know what your policy will pay out for a loss it is important that you know what is covered and what needs to be added. Here are some things that you will need to know about when it comes to your insurance policy in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and objects needing to be insured.

What Your Policy Will Cover When it Comes to a Total Loss Claim

  • If you have antique items in your home, then you may want to have them endorsed to value on your homeowners insurance. High dollar items need to have an appraisal and be endorsed on a rider to be fully covered.
  • If you do not have a a rider on the policy, then any losses will be paid out to a specified limit or just replaced with a newer version of what was lost.
  • The total loss claim has to be from certain perils in order to be covered by the policy. Anything that is not listed as a covered peril will not be paid replaced or fixed.
  • Make sure to have a qualified appraisal from an expert. Without an appraisal there is no way to determine the value of certain items.

Your personal items mean a great deal to you. The older the item is found to be can mean the different between a cheap knock off or high value. If you have questions about how to list your antique items on your policy, Then you will need to contact your independent agent today. As your agent we can help protect your high dollar items with the right kind of home endorsement.

My landlord claims that I have damaged the apartment and is keeping a part of my security deposit. Will the Bethlehem, PA renters insurance cover this loss?

As a renter you will want to have a renters insurance policy to cover all of your risk exposure as a tenant. Renters insurance is a policy that can be bought to help cover the cost of replacing your personal property. If your landlord has accused you of damaging the premises, then your policy may not cover the repairs. Here are some things that you will need to know about your renters insurance policy in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

What you Can Expect Your Renters Insurance to Cover Your Apartment Losses

  • Your renters insurance is only designed to pay for the things that are directly related to your things. If the building that you are living in is damaged, then your landlord will need to have their own homeowners insurance policy to file a claim.
  • Your security deposit is for any damages that you may incur while living on the premise. If you damage the property, then your landlord will withhold the money in order to fix the damages.
  • Your renters insurance will only cover your personal belongings. If there is a fire and all of your items are lost, then your policy will pay to fix what you have lost.

Items that are not covered on a home insurance policy will not be replaced if there is ever a need to file a claim. To help you determine what your policy can do for you contact your independent agent today. As your agent we can help you understand what your policy will cover and what needs to be done to strengthen your policy. A disaster can happen at anytime and you will need to have the policy in order to protect your personal belongings.

What happens if my home costs more to rebuild than my homeowner’s insurance provides in Bethlehem, PA?

If your Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, home has been severely damaged or destroyed, you may want to rebuild. However, if rebuilding your home costs more than your homeowner’s insurance provides — you may have some difficult decisions to make. You may have to figure out how to make up the difference in costs from your own pocket or build a home that you consider a downgrade from your previous home. Neither of these options is ideal because you must part with some cash or settle for less.

If you are concerned that your homeowner’s insurance won’t cover the cost to rebuild your home, the best time to act is before you experience a loss. An independent agent can help you determine if you are truly covered in case of a loss and advise you about coverage that will provide for an adequate replacement.

Your Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, insurance agent can help you assess the amount of coverage you need for rebuilding. You won’t need to worry about buying land, but constructing a new home that has the same features as your old home could cost more due to higher construction costs or higher standards that must be met according to today’s residential building codes. Many homeowners are tempted to purchase coverage based on the amount that their home would likely sell for, or what it is currently valued at, but they should also keep in mind that age brings the value of a home down. All-new construction could cost more than the current value of their existing home, meaning that they need to purchase more coverage than initially anticipated.

Do I need to notify Saucon Home Insurance if I change my name or add an individual to the deed for my home in Bethlehem, PA?

When you buy a homeowners policy in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania there are certain things that you have to do just to get the policy started. You will need to give your agent all of the home information, liability limits that you want to have on the policy and the kind of endorsements that you want to have. If you live in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and are wondering what you can change on the policy, then here are some things that you can change.

What You can Change on Your Homeowners Insurance Policy

  • When a person gets married there is a need to have a change name on the policy. All you have to do to notify your agent and request the change. You might have to provide proof of the change in order to get it done.
  • You can also change the liability limits on your policy. There are certain limits that you can choose from that you can protect your family with.
  • Make sure you are covered with all the right endorsements. If you need to have certain endorsements on the policy. then you can add and remove certain ones when you need too.
  • Not just any person can change a policy. It has to be the individual that is listed on the policy to request a change. So they would have to be the one to change your deductible if you need it lowered or higher.

To find out more about your homeowners insurance call your independent agent today. As your agent, we can make the changes that you need to your policy. All you have to do is call and we can give you the information that you need to make your policy right for your needs.