If my business is home-based, do I need liability coverage?

Running a business from home provides a variety of benefits, particularly when it comes to the costs and expenses that are associated with the company. Unfortunately, a home-based business does not necessarily mean that you can overlook liability coverage on your business insurance policy. Liability protection is not based on the location of your company, but on the nature of your products or services.

Evaluating Risks

The risks associated with your business are the key factor to determining how much liability protection you need to purchase on a business insurance plan. For example, if your business sells a beauty product online, then you may need to consider the risk of allergic reactions or accidents associated with those products. Liability protection will help ensure that you are not paying for those medical bills personally.

Since risks can vary based on the type of business that you are running, the amount of protection that you need to purchase can depend on several factors.

Accidents on the Property

Even though accidents on your property is usually covered by any insurance that you may have on the property, read your policy thoroughly before you assume that you do not need liability coverage for the possible injuries that may take place in your home.

Some insurers may have limitations or exceptions on the policy that prevent you from making a claim on your property protection. A liability policy may still be necessary if your clients come to your home.

Home-based businesses may offer some benefits, but they do not necessarily limit the insurance that you need. It may still be necessary to purchase coverage for liability concerns. Contact us to speak to an agent for more details about the coverage options that are available for your company.

Is mold covered under certain situations and is there a limit for mold damage?

The growth of mold in a house can be a sign of serious problems, but many homeowners insurance policies will not cover the removal of the material unless it meets very specific guidelines. The problem with the fungus is that it can grow in unexpected locations, but the removal and prevention of fungal growth is a part of regular maintenance. Even though a basic homeowners insurance policy may have certain limitations, it is possible that the insurer will have options available to help with the removal of mold.

Dangerous Species

Fungal growth in wet and damp areas of the house is a normal part of homeownership. It is necessary to remove the growth of the fungus before it can cause major damage to the property.

Even though many species of the fungus may not be covered, it is possible that some insurers will have solutions to remove dangerous species. Evaluate your policy if you discover a toxic species of the fungus to determine if your policy might have a solution available.

Normal Care

In normal situations, it is likely that your insurer will consider the removal of the fungus a part of your maintenance responsibilities. Catching the mold early plays a key role in ensuring that the damage from the fungus is limited, but insurers may not pay for the damages from the fungal growth in most situations. The reason is that the fungus grows over time and it is possible to limit the damage by removing it early.

The growth of fungus is never pleasant, but it is your responsibility to remove it before it causes major damage to the property. Contact us to speak to an agent for more information about the types of coverage that are available for your property.

What is business interruption insurance? What does it cover?

Obtaining insurance is an important part of caring for your business in Bethlehem, PA. Although the details of your basic plan may vary, it is often a good decision to purchase business interruption insurance for additional protection against the loss of income when a disaster occurs.

Basics of the Plan

As the name suggests, business interruption insurance is designed to address the concerns of a company when it is not possible to run the business for a specific period of time. It covers the loss of income after specific situations arise so that the business does not face financial strife when it cannot serve customers for any reason.

Depending on the plan that you purchase, the situations that are covered and the particular details of making a claim may vary. Some insurers may have a limitation on the amount that you can claim based on the number of days that your business is closed, so read your policy to determine the amount that you can claim on your account.

Combining the Coverage with Other Plans

Even though the policy can help reduce the financial risks of a company, the plan has the most impact when it is combined with property protection and other forms of insurance based on the type of company that you are running and the assets that you own.

The policy is designed to pay for the loss of income that you may face after a natural disaster or a similar problem occurs. It will not pay for any damages to company property or similar expenses.

Protecting your business requires the right types of insurance to avoid unnecessary risks and hassles. In many cases, business interruption insurance is a useful way to avoid financial strife while your business rebuilds after a disaster. Contact us to talk to an agent for more information about your coverage options.

Why do miles driven to school per week influence insurance cost?

Other than thinking about the high price of gas, most people do not think about how many miles they drive in a day or a week. If you need to go to the grocery store in Bethlehem, PA, you get in your car and go. If you have to commute 100 miles each week to go to school, that is what you do. Even though you may not keep close track of how far you drive, you probably realize that the cost of owning and operating a vehicle goes up as you drive greater distances.

Obviously, your cost of fuel will be more if you drive 20,000 miles in a year instead of only 10,000 miles per year. Your tires will wear out faster and you will have to replace them with new ones. Maintenance and repair costs will also rise proportionately as you increase the number of miles you drive.

What you might not realize is that auto insurance companies pay close attention to how far you drive. They normally do not care if you drive 1,000 miles in a week to take a vacation or drive 20 miles each day to go to school. Generally speaking, your insurance cost is affected by the total amount of miles you drive in a year.

Insurance companies are not worried about how much you spend on gas or how many times you will have to change your oil. They are only concerned about mileage because it can increase your risk of being in an accident or suffering some type of loss. If your car is parked in the driveway and not being driven, there is a much lower chance of you filing a claim for a loss.

While miles driven is not as important as your driving record in determining your premium for auto insurance, it is a factor. If your circumstances change and you will only be driving half as many miles as you did the previous year, notify your independent agent. You may be able to get a reduction in your insurance cost.

Will my premium be lower if I have improved security such as good-quality locks or smoke detectors fitted?

After buying your current home insurance policy, chances are you’ve also been looking for opportunities to lower your monthly premiums even further. Improving your home’s security is one of the best ways to lower your premium and there are several ways you can reduce the overall cost of your homeowners policy, all while making your home safer for you and your loved ones.

For instance, the addition of something as simple and affordable as a set of dead-bolt locks may offer a small decrease in your homeowner’s insurance premiums. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed throughout your home or a state-of-the-art burglar alarm or sprinkler system that also alerts police and fire/rescue officials may offer significant discounts, as well.

At the same time, you’re also enhancing your home’s ability to protect you and other occupants from a wide variety of threats. These range from intruders and carbon monoxide poisoning while you’re at home to burglary attempts while you’re away on vacation.

While exploring your options, it’s a good idea to read the fine print to see if your addition qualifies your policy for a discount. Some discounts can’t be used with others or only apply to certain situations. Also, keep in mind that these discounts may be combined with others to maximize your home insurance policy’s bang for the buck.

Don’t hesitate to shop around for a policy that best suits your needs. As your independent agency, we’re always ready and prepared to help you find and compare quotes online from multiple insurance carriers. Get in touch with us and speak to one of our agents to discover more ways to reduce your home insurance premiums.

Do I need to file a claim with my auto insurance if I wish to seek medical coverage for the injuries sustained?

If you have been hurt in an auto accident, you may be wondering about how the medical end of the auto insurance claim will work. This is actually a question that only your insurance agent can actually answer since every policy is different. Since your policy is created based on the needs you explained to the agent at the time you signed up for your policy.

If you were hurt in an accident that was the fault of another person, your medical coverage will usually be handled by the responsible person’s insurance policy. In the event that you were injured by another person who did not have liability insurance, or a person who did not have adequate liability insurance to cover all your medical bills, then your insurance agent may advise you to file a claim with your own insurance company for the medical damages.

If you were hurt in an accident that was your own fault, medical coverage can usually be covered by your own policy if you have comprehensive coverage. This is the type of coverage that handles medical bills incurred by you in the event that another person is not responsible.

When you need medical care it is important that you seek it out as soon as possible. Of course it is important to file your auto insurance claim quickly as well, but don’t delay any necessary medical care. Call your insurance agent and ask him about what type of medical coverage that you have in your car insurance policy.

Never get caught without the auto coverage you need. You can call our independent agents or get live comparative quotes online in just minutes for free!

Is liability for injuries to outsiders within the insured premises covered?

Selecting a homeowner’s insurance policy that is appropriate for your goals, concerns and plans can seem easy, but there are several factors to consider before you make a final decision. Depending on the insurance plan and the coverage that you purchase in Bethlehem, PA, injuries to outsiders on your property may or may not be covered.

Liability Protection

In general, liability protection on a home will usually provide some coverage for outsiders within the insured premises. Injuries to outsiders refers to any accident or injury that occurs in your home and involves a guest or visitor.

Even though many policies may have limitations on the coverage amount, most plans will offer protection for any guest or visitor to your home, even if they do not live on the property. Basic liability may mean that the insured premises covered injuries and damages to personal belongings when guests fall, are pushed or otherwise are injured when they visit your home.

The Premises

Identifying when an individual is covered against injuries can seem complicated, especially if you are not sure whether the injury took place on your property or not. Depending on the plan and the property that you own, the area that is considered the premises may vary.

Usually, the premises refers to the house and any property that you own. That may include a garage, shed or the front and back yard of your house. Read your policy if you are not sure if a particular location is covered under your plan.

When you purchase a homeowner’s insurance policy, the liability protection will usually provide coverage for your family as well as any outsiders who are visiting your home if an accident occurs. Contact us to talk to an agent for more details about your policy.

How soon do I need to report a car accident with no one else involved to an insurance company?

It’s not uncommon for motorists to be involved in accidents involving only their own vehicle. In Pennsylvania alone, there were approximately 759 single vehicle fatalities in 2012 according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. However, most single-car accidents in Bethlehem, PA and the surrounding area are relatively minor, with no injuries and equally minor cosmetic or nonexistent damage to the car itself.

No matter how minor the accident, you should report it to your insurance agent as soon as possible. It’s also important to take written notes as well as pictures (if possible) of the accident scene, as memories can fade and having concrete evidence could be a big help during the claims process.

One reason to report car accident to insurance straight away is to take advantage of your collision insurance coverage and its ability to cover the costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle. However, if the estimated cost of damage is lower than the deductible, then you may be better off paying for the repairs out of your own pocket.

Another reason is that most auto insurance policies feature a clause requiring the insured to report any and all accidents, but such clauses are often hard to enforce. Local, county and state law enforcement officials may also require you to submit a collision report for accidents with either bodily injury or a set amount of property damage to any one person’s vehicle or other property. This information may be passed on to your insurer depending on the circumstances.

The longer you wait to report a car accident to your insurer, the less likely you’ll be compensated for any damages. As your independent agent, we can help you report collisions and other events involving your vehicle quickly and accurately. We can also help you realize big savings on the latest auto insurance plans available.

Does automobile insurance have different coverages for personal injury and medical bills or is this combined into one?

You got into a car accident and incurred injuries and medical bills. Now that you’re patched up, you’re wondering what aspects of your car insurance actually covered the bills. If you get into an accident with someone who holds insurance, their liability coverage takes care of your injuries and medical bills, although it doesn’t cover additional expenses while you’re out of work. Personal injury coverage, on the other hand, is an addition to your automobile insurance policy that you get specifically to cover medical bills, costs associated with personal injury, and lost wages. Personal injury coverage includes all of this under one policy rider, instead of requiring you to pay separately for personal injury and medical bill coverage. 17 states require automobile insurance to include personal injury coverage as part of the state minimum insurance.

Some advantages to adding personal injury coverage to your automobile insurance include protection against uninsured drivers, dealing with an inability to work due to an accident, and covering any gaps in medical bill payments from the other driver’s insurance. Other related items that this coverage pays for includes childcare costs, maintenance services, and medical travel expenses. Having the peace of mind that an accident isn’t going to turn your life upside down due to your missing work makes this coverage worth it.

It also doesn’t matter who was at fault for the accident. If you have personal injury protection, it covers you no matter what the accident situation was. Not all states offer personal injury protection specifically, but you can also find it under the name auto medical payments coverage.

My recreational vehicle was manufactured in another state. Will my policy pay to move it to the manufacturer for repairs if I have a covered loss in Bethlehem, PA?

Because recreational vehicles require special expertise, it is important that they are repaired at an authorized facility. If you bring your recreational vehicle to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, you might have to transport your vehicle out of the state in order to have it serviced by qualified professionals. Keep these tips in mind if you need to contact your insurance company for help moving your vehicle to another state.

How Your Recreational Vehicle Policy Works

If you are in an accident, you will need to move your recreational vehicle to a repair shop so that an appraiser can complete an estimate on the cost of the damages. Because recreational vehicle require special expertise to repair, many insurance companies will assist with cost of transporting your vehicle to a manufacturer, even if it is out of state. However, it is important to keep in mind that your insurance company might settle for a qualified facility that is closest to the scene of the accident.

How an Independent Agent Can Help

An independent auto insurance agent can help you determine which insurance companies will provide the best coverage for your recreational vehicle in the case of an accident. Though it’s overlooked, the transportation fees of moving your vehicle to the manufacturer is an expense that can really add up. Also, if your recreational vehicle was manufactured in another state, yet your insurance company will only reimburse you to move it to the closest qualified facility, you might still be left to pay the tab if you have a preference for taking your vehicle to the manufacturer.

An independent agent can help you determine which companies will meet your preferences and provide the best coverage for moving your vehicle in the case of an accident. Contact us today to find the best policy for your recreational vehicle.