Notice A Car Accident? What You Can Do To Help

When you’re driving in Pennsylvania, you could easily see an accident happen right in front of you. There’s a lot you can do help. The more you know, the more helpful you can be. What you do at the scene could be what saves the lives of the victims.

Call 911

Many people don’t call when they should because they think someone else has already made the call. The operator will ask you about location, number of cars, and other details. You may also be asked to stay on the line until help has arrived.

Move Your Car

You don’t want to be in the way of first responders, or oncoming traffic. Plan on being at least 100 feet away from the accident, and off to the side of the road.

Talk to the Victims

Go over to the cars, if it is safe to do so, and talk to the victims. Let them know that help is on the way and ask how they are doing. They may be in shock, so be patient with them. If they can safely get out of the car, help them. Otherwise, wait for help to arrive.

Turn Cars Off

Many times, cars are still in drive when there is an accident. Be sure to get them into park and then turn the key so the ignitions shut off. This can prevent a fire as well as the car moving forward, causing any further damage.

Wait for Help

You called 911, so now you have to be patient and wait. Once help comes, you will likely be asked for a statement.

Call now and talk to our agents at Saucon Insurance Agency to learn more about car insurance in Northampton County. We work with some of the best insurance companies in PA to give you a great deal.


Why Customers Prefer To Work With Independent Insurance Agents

If you are thinking about how to get the best insurance possible. This can provide you with a significant amount of peace of mind. You could search online and work with insurance companies independently, though it is much easier to work with independent insurance agents.

Insurance agents are extremely knowledgeable about the industry. They are often ahead of trends, and are extremely loyal to the community. They work with some of the top insurance companies throughout Pennsylvania and know which ones are going to provide the best levels of coverage and have the most affordable premiums.

Customers continue to work with independent insurance agents because it is more convenient. It’s easier to speak with an agent and discuss what kind of coverage is needed and what budget is available. The agent can then begin searching through the different companies and provide recommendations as to what policies are going to be the best. Quotes can be obtained, making it easier to compare.

Your time should be worth something. You may not have the time to browse through 4 to 5 different insurance companies and get quotes. They may be showing you policies that you don’t actually need. Many times, insurance companies are focused on their bottom line, not the individual. This is the opposite for an independent insurance agent. The goal of an independent insurance agent is to help you find a policy that you can rely on.

Surveys have spoken. Customers prefer to work with independent agents as opposed to insurance companies over the Internet because they like the personal touch. They want to know that they are getting something specific to them, and that is why agents will never go out of business.

Start working with independent insurance agents today by calling us at Saucon Insurance Agency. We look forward to helping you with all of your insurance needs in Bethlehem.




Tis the Season for Giving Cars

It might seem like a nice gesture giving the gift of a car, especially if the person is in need of a vehicle. However, it’s providing a person with more than just transportation. You’re giving them a financial responsibility and so much more. 


When you give someone a gift of a vehicle, it requires insurance. The minimum coverage by law varies from state to state. You should contact an insurance agent in Bethlehem, PA for a quote prior to purchasing the present. You’ll need to take into consideration if the person is able to pay the premium once he or she has the car in his or her possession. Even if you supply a policy for a short period of time, you need to make sure the person will be able to pay for it afterwards. You don’t want to give the gift of a burden and have the giftee feel bad because he or she can’t afford to keep the automobile. 


Depending on your state’s laws, the person you give the car to may be responsible for paying taxes on it. This could also be a problem if the person isn’t able to come up with the money. You don’t want to give them a gift that’s more of an issue than a present. 


Before you can give the person the vehicle, the title must be registered. That means you may have to put it in your name first and then transfer it. 

Prior to making any decisions, you should contact an agent at Saucon Insurance Agency at 610-868-1800. An agent will be able to discuss with you insurance requirements, so you can make the decision if a vehicle is the right gift to give this season. 


Don’t Fall For Top Life Insurance Myths In Bethlehem, PA

You want to get a good life insurance policy in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. This means you need to know all about the top myths so that you can make well-informed decisions. You don’t want to fall for any of the misconceptions regarding life insurance.

Everyone Needs Life Insurance

Somewhere along the line a myth developed that life insurance is only for people who are retired. Everyone needs a life insurance policy because there are no guarantees as to when your time is up. Having a policy, even in your 30s and 40s, can pay off, particularly if you do pass before your time.

Those in Poor Health Can be Covered

One myth is that you cannot get life insurance coverage if you are in poor health. This is not accurate. You can find companies that will issue you a policy, though it may be more expensive and be limited in coverage. However, it can still be obtained, regardless of what your health conditions are.

Comparisons Will Get the Best Premiums

Another myth is that the only way to get the best premium is to shop online. The truth is that you need to make comparisons from multiple insurance companies in order to ensure that you are truly getting the best price based upon your individual needs and situation.

Term is Just One of the Options

There is a myth out there that term life insurance should be the only type of policy purchased – and the remaining amount of money should be invested. Whole and universal life insurance can provide a cash value and therefore it is another option that you need to consider, especially if your budget allows.

At Saucon Insurance Agency, our knowledgeable insurance agents can help you find a life insurance policy that works best for you and your budget. Call today and learn more about how we can offer assistance.



Keep Your Home Safe This Halloween

In just a few days, kids of all ages will begin swarming neighborhoods in Bethlehem, PA, searching for the best king-size candy bars. Trick-or-treating is a fun time for all involved, as children get candy and adults get to see kids’ costumes. Make sure Halloween at your home is fun and doesn’t result in an accident. We’ve compiled a short list of tips for staying safe on October 31.

Keeping Your Home Safe

Halloween decorations add to the fun festivities, but they also can create safety hazards. As you put up ghost, ghouls, and goblins, don’t forget to make sure:

  • your yard is clear of decorations that trick-or-treaters could trip over
  • all lit jack-o-lanterns are kept away from flammable items
  • your indoor decorations aren’t fire hazards

Safety doesn’t need to impede your decorating efforts this October, but it should be kept in mind whenever you put a decoration up.

Insuring Your Home Against Fire

Additionally, you might want to review your home insurance for coverage against fires. Even if you’re extremely cautious when decorating, a turned-over jack-o-lantern or burnt pumpkin seeds could start a fire. By maintaining a good home insurance policy, you can financially protect yourself from fires started by covered causes.

For help understanding how home insurance policies treat house fires, contact us at Saucon Insurance Agency. Our agents can explain what types of fires are typically covered by home insurance, and we’ll help you look for the specific coverage you need. If your policy doesn’t fully protect you, our independent agents can also help you find a policy that will afford enough protection.

To get in touch with us, contact us through our website. Have a great time decorating, and stay safe this Halloween.

Coverage Options For Students

There are a lot of coverage options that you will want to consider as a student in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. There have been a lot of changes that have been made by the Affordable Care Act, and they are going to impact you, whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student.

One of the first options that you have to consider is where you are going to get your insurance from. You may be able to get it from your school, by staying on your family’s plan, or as a single-payer plan. Each of these are options, and you will want to weigh the pros and cons of each, as well as the costs.

Another option is to consider the level of coverage that you need. You want to make sure that your basic medical care is taken care of, and potentially also vision as well as dental. You also want to look at how expensive it is going to be if you need to go to the emergency room for anything.

Even though you may be a healthy student, you have to look at the various options that are available for health insurance coverage. You want to make sure that your insurance is covering everything that you could potentially need so that you are spending less money out-of-pocket. This means you will want to explore the deductibles and co-pays with any policy that you end up getting.

At Saucon Insurance Agency, we are here to help you find health coverage as a student in Bethlehem. Call today and learn about some of the options that you have. We can provide quotes from multiple insurance companies across Pennsylvania and work with you to find a policy that makes sense for you and your budget, especially because you are a student.



Check for Multi-Policy Discounts After Getting Married

Having a wedding in Bethlehem, PA many not be cheap, but getting married could save you money on your insurance policies. At Saucon Insurance Agency, we don’t recommend getting married just to save on auto or homeowners insurance. If you are marching down the aisle, though, there’s little reason not to save on your insurance premiums.

Many Insurers Offer Multi-Policy Discounts

One of the most common discounts that insurance companies offer is a multi-policy discount. Not all insurers will reduce your premiums for having more than one insurance policy with them, but many will. Since these discounts are often a percentage of your premiums, they can amount to a significant chunk of change.

While some individuals have multiple insurance policies, such as an auto policy, and a homeowners or renters policy, many people don’t carry more than one insurance policy when they’re single. Married couples, however, often have several assets they need to insure. If both you and your spouse drive cars, for example, you’ll each need an auto insurance policy. Once you’re married, many insurers will give you a multi-policy discount if you each purchase an insurance policy through them.

Independent Insurance Agents Find the Biggest Discounts

While many insurance companies in Pennsylvania offer multi-policy discounts, the amount you can save by having more than one insurance policy with one company varies greatly. The easiest way to see which company will give you and your beloved the best discount is to compare several policies with the help of an independent insurance agent.

If you don’t have a relationship with an independent insurance agent, contact us at Saucon Insurance Agency. You can reach us at any time through our websites, and we’d be happy to set you up with one of our agents who serve Bethlehem.


Pet Safety In Bethlehem: How To Keep Your Pets Safe In The Summer

When you live in Bethlehem there is a lot that you can do to keep your pet safe during the summer. You may be home with your pets more often, and be doing more things with them. By knowing how they can be in danger with the heat and everything else that summer brings, you can be sure to keep them safer and healthier.

Some of the most basic tips you want to keep in mind include:

  • Giving them regular access to water
  • Putting them in a life vest when out on the water
  • Using foot protection for their paws
  • Keeping them indoors during the hottest parts of the day

You also have to remember that there are a lot of bugs in Pennsylvania, and many of them are in abundance during the summer months. Make an appointment for your dog or cat at the vet to talk about preventative medication for fleas and ticks as well as heartworm.

Overheating can happen to pets small and large. Many times, they become overheated because of not being hydrated sufficiently. You should always be aware of the signs and look for them regularly when your pets are outside. This includes a high body temperature of 103°F and above, dry gums, as well as excessive panting.

Some of the easiest ways to cool down your pet is by giving them a drink of water, draping a wet towel over them, and cooling down their feet. The summer can be fun, but it is going to be more fun when your pets are safe.

At Saucon Insurance Agency, we are able to answer all the questions you have about homeowners insurance in Bethlehem. Call us today and let us begin finding quotes from all of the top insurance carriers in Pennsylvania.



Statistics about Teen Driving

You may not want to think about it, but the leading cause of death for people ages 15 to 20 in the United States is motor vehicle crashes. Fortunately though, by instilling positive driving habits in your teen, the chances of a fatal car crash are greatly reduced. Here’s a quick look at a few startling teen driving statistics you should be aware of. 

  • In the year 2012, there were 2,823 teenagers who died as a result of being in a car crash. Of those who were killed, more than 66% of them were male. 
  • 60% of teenagers who are involved in fatal car accidents are the driver, with 53% of the crashes taking place on the weekend – Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. On these days, teenagers are most likely to be involved in a fatal crash from 9 pm – 12 am. 
  • 54% of deaths that occur to teenage passengers occurs when a teenager is driving the car. 

Here are distractions that commonly result in teenage crashes:

  • Having too many passengers in the car
  • Having the music turned up too loud
  • Reaching for an object
  • Not keeping eyes on the road
  • Grooming

It’s your job to make sure your teen is getting the practice he needs to be a good driver. You should do your best to incorporate as many practice hours as possible in to your teens schedule before he goes to get his actual license. You should also set a good example by making sure you follow all driving laws. To learn more about teen driving, please don’t hesitate to contact Saucon Insurance Agency.

Clean Your Pa Home Faster With These Hacks

Your home in Pennsylvania is where you spend a significant amount of time. You want to make sure that it is as clean as it can be – and there are some facts to help you clean every area of your home faster. Knowing these will help you to spend more time with your friends and family and less time with the chores.

Living Room

  • When you are trying to dust in your living room, use a lint roller. This will ensure that the dust doesn’t get transferred to somewhere else. It makes it easy to clean lampshades, bookshelves, and much more.
  • Use a dryer sheet on the air to help improve the smell and remove any built-up dust.


  • Use car wax over your flat top cooking surface so that it’s easier to clean the next time you spill something or grease splatters.
  • Use water with a little bit of distilled white vinegar in order to clean the hard to get dirt off of your kitchen tiles. This can be used on the floor as well as backslashes.


  • Stainless steel can look much older than it is because of hard water stains. Use powdered laundry detergent with hot water and let it sit on all of the stainless steel faucets, drains, and shower heads for an hour and then rinse it off.
  • Use shower gel as a way of helping to clean the bathroom tiles in your shower.

There are so many different cleaning hacks, and you will be able to speed up your weekly chores tremendously.

Call and talk to an agent at Saucon Insurance today and we can help you find a homeowner’s insurance you can count on. It’s a great way to save on a policy.