Be Prepared for a Power Outage

Power outages in summer months are inconvenient, but they usually involve little more than buying ice and loading the food from your refrigerator into a cooler. Power outages during winter months in Bethlehem, PA can pose a greater risk to you and your family, so it is best to be prepared. Saucon Insurance Agency can provide guidance to help you prepare for major winter weather. 

Step 1: Assemble an Emergency Kit

Be sure to include:

  • Water and food
  • Extra blankets and clothing
  • Battery or solar powered radio
  • Alternative power sources for phones and medical equipment 
  • Flashlights with extra batteries
  • Rock salt (ice melt), kitty litter, and shovel
  • Heat source– ventilate safely
  • Generator and gas– never run indoors to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning

Step 2: Take Action

Make contact with the power company to determine estimated time before power is restored. If it is going to be more than a few hours, it is time to act. Gather family members, extra clothing, and blankets in a central room, preferably a room with a stove or fireplace. Close off extra rooms to keep heat where it is needed. Keep water pipes from bursting by letting water trickle. Be sure you know how to turn off the main line. Do not open the refrigerator or freezer. Freezer food will last about 2 days if undisturbed. Food in the refrigerator only has about 4 hours before it becomes questionable. If outside weather permits, place food in a cooler and use snow to keep it cold. 

Step 3: Know When to Go

Ideally, you have what you need to stay warm and nourished for about a week. If that’s not the case, know when it’s time to seek help. Many local radio stations and news apps will announce shelter locations. If you are unable to drive out, contact emergency services.

The agents at Saucon Insurance Agency encourage you to be prepared for the possibility of a power outage, especially since Bethlehem, PA is no stranger to surprise winter weather events. 



Winter Driving Safety

Winter is here, which means cold weather and plenty of ice and snow for Bethlehem, PA. While we all have places we must go each day such as work, school, and other activities, there are times when this can be dangerous during the winter. At Saucon Insurance Agency, our hope is that all of our customers and their families stay safe when driving throughout the winter. Here are some safety tips to use throughout the season.

Safety Tip #1: Keep Up with Local Weather Reports

It is not a matter of if, but when the roads will ice over in Bethlehem, PA. We recommend that you make it a habit to regularly check the local weather reports. If the roads are too treacherous for driving, make the smart choice and stay home. It is also good to get familiar with weather terminology. Terms such as advisory, watch, or warning are used to let you know the severity of an upcoming storm.

Safety Tip #2: Winterize Your Vehicle

Have your vehicle inspected by a local mechanic, or examine it yourself. It needs to have adequate amounts of antifreeze to prevent freezing. Your tires should have plenty of tread or they may need to be replaced. Make sure that your thermostat and defroster are in good working order so you stay warm while on the road.

Safety Tip #3: Keep an Emergency Kit in Your Car

If you are stranded in the cold, an emergency kit will come in handy. Your kit should include essentials such as a first aid kit, flashlight, batteries, blankets, warm clothes, water, and snacks.  Call your insurance agent as soon as possible if you need assistance while on the road. At Saucon Insurance Agency, we hope you stay safe and warm all season long.

What You Need To Know About Insurance In PA

If you live in Bethlehem, PA, most of the laws and regulations governing the insurance industry and drivers aren’t so different than those found in every other state, but there are a few things you’ll want to know when you get behind the wheel in Pennsylvania.

The main thing to know is that Pennsylvania is a no-fault state. What this means is that each driver will be expected to pay for their injuries in the event of an accident. Whoever may be at fault in any given accident, each driver involved will typically be expected to seek compensation through their insurer.

No-fault laws were first enacted to reduce the burden on the courts and, by proxy, the taxpayer. With so many traffic-related lawsuits clogging up the courts, no-fault laws came through as a swift, efficient, and seemingly reasonable solution to the problem.

Rear end laws are an interesting area of Pennsylvania regulation to look into. In Florida, the person in the rear in a rear-end collision is automatically found to be at fault, and the charge is difficult to fight. In other states, the rear-ender is typically found to be at fault, but it’s not by default. In Pennsylvania, a whole series of laws are set aside to determine fault. Your best bet to navigate these laws is to start making notes immediately after a collision so that you can make sure that you have your facts straight if you need to make your case in a courtroom.

With adequate insurance and safe driving, Pennsylvania is a great place to go for a drive. Call us for some free quotes and get exploring.

Home Insurance in Bethlehem, PA

For some people, home insurance is not a requirement. In fact, in Pennsylvania, you are not required to have it by law. However, if you have a mortgage, you may be required to have home insurance according to the terms of your agreement. Whether you are required to purchase home insurance or not in Bethlehem, PA, do you know when you should purchase it?

Purchase Home Insurance As Soon As You Purchase the Home

The absolute best time to purchase home insurance is when you purchase a home. Once you put an offer on a home and it is accepted, you need to call us to get a great policy for your home. You want to have the insurance in place immediately, so you are protected no matter what happens.

Why Purchase Before Closing?

You may be wondering why you should purchase before closing. While you do not yet own the home, setting up the policy to begin on closing day is best practice. You do not have to ensure the policy goes into effect before closing but you want it to begin the day you officially own the home. If for any reason your agreement falls through, you will still be able to cancel the policy since it has not yet started.

What If You Do Not Purchase Before Closing?

If you failed to purchase home insurance before you closed on the home, you have not missed your window. You should, however, make the purchase as soon as possible so you can gain coverage immediately. Do not wait until something happens. Instead, protect yourself and your investment with a great home insurance policy.

We can help you find the ideal home insurance policy for your home in the Bethlehem, PA, area by calling us today.

What to Watch Out for When Purchasing Auto Insurance

When purchasing an auto insurance policy, there are a few things you should want to focus on looking out for. You likely already know some basic steps to take but you may not know what you should avoid doing. Use these tips from Saucon Insurance Agency, serving Bethlehem, PA, when you are looking for your next auto insurance policy.

  • Always make sure minimum state requirements are met. In Pennsylvania, there are minimum requirements set that you must have if you own and operate a vehicle. For bodily injury liability, you must have at least $15,000 per person. There is a limit of $30,000. For property damage liability, you must have $5,000 worth of coverage. You must also have $5,000 worth of first party benefits (PIP).
  • Make sure the company has great customer service. When you are making a decision on an auto insurance policy, you should also be making a decision on the company. Customer service goes a long way and if your cost for the insurance is just a little bit more per month with a great company, then it will be well worth it. 
  • Make sure all of your coverage options are in the policy and there are no gaps. Before you sign up, you will need to ask for a copy of the policy coverage to ensure everything is there that you are wanting. 
  • Ask for discounts. It never hurts to ask for discounts for things such as affiliations, safe driver, good student, and more. Ask about these things before you sign up for a cost. You never know how much you can save with one or two discounts that you are eligible for. 

Contact us at Saucon Insurance Agency, serving Bethlehem, PA, today and we will be happy to help you get quotes for auto insurance or even take a look at your current policy to ensure there are no gaps in coverage.

How Much Home Insurance Should I Buy?

Home insurance should fit your home and your lifestyle. Buy too much and you’ll be throwing money away each month. Buy too little and you won’t be covered in the event something happens. For that reason it’s necessary to do a thorough inventory that takes into account the following:

The Structure of Your Home

Estimate the cost of rebuilding your home by determining local construction costs, the home’s square footage, and the style and type of materials your home is built from.  

Personal Possessions

Policies typically provide coverage for personal possessions that’s equal to between 50% and 70% of the value of the home. If you have valuable possessions such as artwork, jewelry, antiques, etc., you may need to secure additional endorsements to cover these items. Remember, when calculating possessions it’s important to insure them for their replacement cost, not their intrinsic value.

Liability to Others

Always make sure you are covered against lawsuits for bodily injury or property damage. This is especially important if you have features such as swimming pools, ponds, potentially dangerous pets such as dogs,  or other attractive nuisances. Generally speaking, it’s a good idea to carry $300,000 to $500,000 in coverage if any of these are present on the property.

Relocation Expenses

Consider the cost of relocating to a hotel or temporary home if a fire, flood, or other event makes the home uninhabitable. When calculating how much you will need, estimate your daily living expenses + the cost of area hotels or housing and any additional transportation expenses a temporary move would require. 

Homeowners in Bethlehem, PA should carry enough homeowner’s insurance to protect them from potential accidents or damage. Saucon Insurance Agency can help determine the appropriate level of coverage and any endorsements that are advisable.  

The Importance of Having Your Roof Inspected in the Fall

The majority of homeowner’s insurance claims for roof damage are filed in the winter months. This is because winters can be rough on your roof. having your roof inspected in the fall months can help minimize the likelihood that you will encounter roof problems this upcoming winter season. Here are a few ways winter can wreak havoc on your roof.


Rain can seep in your roof where there are missing or damaged roofing shingles or tiles. This can cause a roof leak that can cause a significant amount of damage. A roof inspection can catch this problem so you can repair it.


Large amounts of snow can build up on your roof and put weight on your roof. Clearing the snow routinely can help prevent this problem, as can having your roof inspected. If your trusses are weak, due to age or past roof problems, a new roof may need to be placed before the winter months hit.


Ice can be damaging to your roof. It can cause your roofing materials to contract, which can cause them to split or crack. A roof inspection can find damage from last winter and repair it, so the problem does not worsen this winter.

Winters can be rough in Bethlehem, PA. And unfortunately, this can put a large burden on your roof. A roof inspection can minimize the chances of roof problems, but cannot prevent them altogether. As such, reviewing your homeowner’s insurance in the fall is a great idea. If you would like to get quotes for a new homeowner’s insurance policy or learn about the coverages on your existing policy, contact the Saucon Insurance Agency today. We can help with your homeowner’s insurance needs.


Are Firearms Covered by Home Insurance?

The people of Bethlehem, PA are proud of their right to bear arms. This has been an issue during the election year with the attention from the national media, but it isn’t an issue purely for political reasons. Firearms also play a role in home insurance. When homeowners are shopping for policies, it is important for prospective customers to ask how firearms will impact their home insurance premiums. Saucon Insurance has some key details below.

First of all, guns are expensive items. It is important for homeowners to insure the valuable items in their home under extra personal belongings protection. This includes furniture, jewelry, and firearms. In this respect, owning firearms will slightly increase home insurance rates because they must be insured by a personal belongings rider under the home insurance policy. This rider will also pay to replace the firearms should anything happen to them inside the home.

In addition, the home insurance policy should add liability protection. For example, if a criminal breaks into the home, steals the firearm, then injures someone using the firearm, that person could potentially file a lawsuit against the owner for not securing the weapon. Due to this additional risk, home insurance rates could increase with the presence of firearms. On the other hand, this policy will add liability protection if anything happens as a result of this firearm. Do not try to hide the presence of firearms from insurance companies because this extra liability protection is essential to protecting the owner of the home and firearm from a lawsuit. Make sure this liability protection is included in the home insurance policy.

People in Bethlehem, PA need to understand the intricacies of the home insurance policies, particularly when it comes to the presence of firearms because they are both valuable and dangerous. Don’t be surprised by home insurance rates. Ask how the policy changes with the presence of absence of firearms. Contact Saucon Insurance for information on a home insurance policy today.

Understanding Your Auto Insurance Needs

 Insurance of any type can be difficult to understand but auto policies are notoriously difficult. For those in the Bethlehem, PA area, Saucon Insurance Agency can help you understand your individual insurance needs so that you can be sure you are both fully covered and legal.

Auto policies as a general rule are in place to help pay medical bills, time off work, and the deductible of the other driver should you get into an auto accident. Auto policies can also help pay for a rental car, replacement car, or can help you pay for a new car completely if your car is totaled. The minimum required insurance for each state may vary but the federal standard is about $10,000 to $25,000 of coverage.

This coverage is in place to help pay for medical bills, deductibles and more in the event of an accident. The base amount of insurance you must carry is often referred to as liability insurance because it only covers a minimum amount and does not cover the full cost of an accident. You can purchase liability policies that cover more in terms of monetary value and you can buy full coverage policies as well.

Full coverage policies do have a higher monthly premium but they do cover basically all the monetary considerations in the event of an accident. Every driver is required to carry at least the state or federal minimum of insurance coverage but not everyone is required to carry full coverage insurance. Full coverage policies are generally required if you owe money on your car or if you hold a loan or lien against your automobile through a third party lender. This is to keep the lender’s interests in mind and to help pay for a new automobile should you be in an accident.

If you have insurance questions and you live in the Bethlehem, PA area, contact Saucon Insurance Agency today.

Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall: Three RV Safety Tips That Reduce Cost All Year Long

Let’s face it, owning an RV is expensive; particularly for those who enjoy putting their RV’s on Pennsylvania’s open road at any point throughout the year. As more people have adapted to the RV lifestyle, it has become increasingly important that RV owners enjoy their RVs in a safe manner by employing regular safety tips that will save them money all year long, such as the three tips indicated below:

1. Propane Safety Tips

Do not paint propane tanks with a dark color because it absorbs the sun’s rays a lot easier, which causes an explosion due to overheating. The stove, oven or heater burners should not be lit while traveling or refuel while using propane based appliances (or while the engine, is running.)

Have a certified dealer check your propane tank an on-going regular basis – particularly before long road trips to identify broken or leaking lines.  Lastly, have a propane gas detector installed

2. Take Caution When Using the Brakes

Since RVs trailers use air brakes as opposed to hydraulic brakes used in automobiles, they feel different from automobiles, which causes a slight delay when the brakes are hit. Some RV drivers believe the solution is to hit the breaks hard and fast.  However, this causes an abrupt stop, putting everyone’s safety at risk.

3. Familiarize Yourself with Your RV’s Height

Some of the more common RV related accidents are due to RV drivers running into bridges and overpasses because they simply forget the height of their RVs while driving. To prevent this from happening, make note of your RV’s height and exact clearance and leave it in view at all times to void such occurrences.

For these and other related RV safety tips that will save you money all year long, please visit Saucon Insurance Agency online today.