When you are involved in an accident in Northampton, PA, it can change the details of your insurance coverage. Although you may be able to maintain some of the basic coverage on your policy, you should expect some alterations to your premium and certain details of your policy.
What is Negligence?
Negligence refers to actions or behaviors that lead to an accident because you were not paying attention to the road. It may mean that you were distracted because you were eating, putting on makeup, shaving, using a cell phone or otherwise engaged in activities that take your attention away from driving.
Even though Northampton, PA requires no-fault coverage and liability protection, it is your responsibility to pay for any damages when you caused the accident. Your liability coverage will often pay for the situation, but you should expect some alterations to your policy.
Changes to Coverage
If you have coverage for collisions, then your policy will usually pay for the damages to your car after an accident. You should expect your premium to increase after you cause an accident and you may see some changes to your coverage. In some cases, your insurance provider may put exceptions into your policy or you may lose some coverage that was provided due to a good driving history. You may also lose some of the discounts that were previously applied to your policy.
There are several ways that your policy and coverage may be impacted by an accident that you caused. Depending on the insurance coverage that you have purchased, the changes that you can expect will vary. To learn more about your options, contact us to speak to an agent today.