After buying your current home insurance policy, chances are you’ve also been looking for opportunities to lower your monthly premiums even further. Improving your home’s security is one of the best ways to lower your premium and there are several ways you can reduce the overall cost of your homeowners policy, all while making your home safer for you and your loved ones.
For instance, the addition of something as simple and affordable as a set of dead-bolt locks may offer a small decrease in your homeowner’s insurance premiums. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed throughout your home or a state-of-the-art burglar alarm or sprinkler system that also alerts police and fire/rescue officials may offer significant discounts, as well.
At the same time, you’re also enhancing your home’s ability to protect you and other occupants from a wide variety of threats. These range from intruders and carbon monoxide poisoning while you’re at home to burglary attempts while you’re away on vacation.
While exploring your options, it’s a good idea to read the fine print to see if your addition qualifies your policy for a discount. Some discounts can’t be used with others or only apply to certain situations. Also, keep in mind that these discounts may be combined with others to maximize your home insurance policy’s bang for the buck.
Don’t hesitate to shop around for a policy that best suits your needs. As your independent agency, we’re always ready and prepared to help you find and compare quotes online from multiple insurance carriers. Get in touch with us and speak to one of our agents to discover more ways to reduce your home insurance premiums.