Auto insurance is a topic you cannot evade if you own a car. More still, because it’s mandatory to carry one in almost all states, including Pennsylvania. Also, remember the policy is essential as it cushions you against costs associated with accident-related cases.
Yes, you have the auto insurance policy, but have you ever asked yourself whether the coverage is enough? Imagine an incident involving your car, and your insurance informs you that this particular one is not insured. How devastating could this be? Well, that’s why it’s essential to update your insurance to avoid such incidents.
But how do I know I should update my auto insurance? At Saucon Insurance Agency of Bethlehem, PA, we advise our clients to assess their auto coverages every year. However, your review doesn’t have to wait for a year when the below happens:
You have bought a new car
When you buy a new car, you need to transfer your old policy to reflect your new vehicle. The upgrade is necessary as a new car has a different sum assured different from your old vehicle.
You have a teen driver
If your teenage daughter or son starts driving your car, you need to upgrade your policy. Teenagers are considered risky drivers, and this will have an impact on your premiums.
Your liability increases
Most people start their insurance policy by purchasing the minimum coverage required by the state. But with time, you realize the need to add your liability coverage to cover you optimally in case of a severe accident.
Auto insurance in Bethlehem, PA
Upgrading your auto insurance policy is relatively straightforward. All you need to do is fill in the upgrade details in the renewal form. Ready to upgrade your policy? Call us at Saucon Insurance Agency for more information. Even if you are not sure whether your current policy is sufficient, talk to us for more details.