The issue of deductibles can be tricky for many drivers in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. While we often think that our expenses will be completely reimbursed if we are not at fault for an accident, this is typically not the case. If you were in an accident, and you had to pay a deductible, here are a few things to tips to keep in mind before you contact your auto insurance company.
How Deductible Works
A deductible on your insurance policy refers to the amount of money that you are expected to chip in after you have been in an accident. Before your auto insurance company will assist you in covering your expenses, you must pay the minimum threshold of the deductible. For example, if you have a $500 deductible and an accident causes $2000 worth of damages, you will be expected to pay the deductible before the insurance company pays the additional $1500 for your damages.
What to Expect After a No-Fault Accident
Even if you do not cause an accident, you will be expected to pay the deductible before your insurance company will chip in and help cover your expenses. While this can be a frustrating policy, insurance companies keep this approach is place to provide an incentive for responsible driving behavior. The common belief is that if the policyholder and the insurance company share mutual responsibility for the expense of an accident, then covered drivers will be more vigilant in doing everything they can to avoid dangerous driving situations.
How An Independent Agent Can Help
Because there is little wiggle room when it comes to paying deductibles, it is important to make sure that you have reasonable deductibles from the start. Even if you are a safe driver, accidents caused by others could cost you. If you contact us today, an independent agent can help you obtain reasonable deductibles and help you keep your costs low in the case of an accident.