Recreational vehicles come in all shapes and sizes, from the tow along campers to the Class A motorhomes that are built off of a bus chassis. Because RV coverage has to encompass such a wide range of different vehicles, the maximum value depends significantly on what type of RV you have. In addition, RV coverage doesn’t just look into the physical damage that it may cause or receive. Instead, it also covers things like the kitchen inside of a motorhome and your vacation supplies, such as clothing and other travel essentials.
Your recreational vehicle coverage may also provide protection if you tow your car behind your RV, although that depends primarily on the type of policy you get. Sometimes your auto insurance may also cover the car when it’s towed.
RV insurance also varies with the premium depending on if you are using the vehicle all year round, or if you only take it out during the vacation months. If it’s stored and not being used a significant portion of the year, you get a discount on the coverage price. This is an important part of the policy to look over, as it can significantly affect the price that you end up paying for your RV insurance.
Find quotes from independent agents in Emmaus, PA online for your recreational vehicle needs. RV coverage is an important part in giving you the peace of mind to properly enjoy your vacation, and it’s even more relaxing when you can simply check out quotes through your computer instead of calling around to every insurance company you can think of.