Insuring a New or Used Car

You may find differences in auto insurance requirements based on the purchase of a new or old car. The requirements depend more on a vehicle loan and the value over your area of residence. Keep these factors in mind when you are looking at vehicles in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

New Car

Most auto buyers take out some type of loan to buy a new car. The lender will likely require you to insure the vehicle for at least the loan amount. You will need to have theft and collision coverage for the value of the vehicle. If your car is stolen or totaled, the lender is covered. This also protects you from being responsible for a loan on a vehicle you no longer have.

Even if you purchase a new auto without a loan, you should protect your investment. If you do not have insurance, you face a full loss if your car is stolen or destroyed in a collision.

Used Car

You are not required to obtain a different type of insurance if you purchase a used vehicle for cash. If you do obtain a loan, the lender will require the same insurance as a new car. However, even without a loan, some additional insurance may be beneficial to you. Unless you purchase a very old car for a few hundred dollars, you want to protect your investment.

Older vehicles can be insured against total loss, the amount you would receive is based on the value of the vehicle at the time of loss. Do look at the additional cost of this insurance, your deductible and the value of your car. If you car is worth $2000 and you have a $500 deductible, the extra insurance may be worth it to you.

All drivers, including those in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, need to have the state minimum liability coverage. As an independent agent, we can help you determine the right auto insurance coverage for your unique situation. Contact us today for the information you need to make the right insurance decision.

I wasn’t at fault for the accident. How do I get my deductible back in Bethlehem, PA?

The issue of deductibles can be tricky for many drivers in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. While we often think that our expenses will be completely reimbursed if we are not at fault for an accident, this is typically not the case. If you were in an accident, and you had to pay a deductible, here are a few things to tips to keep in mind before you contact your auto insurance company.

How Deductible Works

A deductible on your insurance policy refers to the amount of money that you are expected to chip in after you have been in an accident. Before your auto insurance company will assist you in covering your expenses, you must pay the minimum threshold of the deductible. For example, if you have a $500 deductible and an accident causes $2000 worth of damages, you will be expected to pay the deductible before the insurance company pays the additional $1500 for your damages.

What to Expect After a No-Fault Accident

Even if you do not cause an accident, you will be expected to pay the deductible before your insurance company will chip in and help cover your expenses. While this can be a frustrating policy, insurance companies keep this approach is place to provide an incentive for responsible driving behavior. The common belief is that if the policyholder and the insurance company share mutual responsibility for the expense of an accident, then covered drivers will be more vigilant in doing everything they can to avoid dangerous driving situations.

How An Independent Agent Can Help

Because there is little wiggle room when it comes to paying deductibles, it is important to make sure that you have reasonable deductibles from the start. Even if you are a safe driver, accidents caused by others could cost you. If you contact us today, an independent agent can help you obtain reasonable deductibles and help you keep your costs low in the case of an accident.

Will my credit score still vary in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, If I prove them that the accident was caused due to a break fail?

If you are driving down the street in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and slam into a telephone pole because of a break fail, your full coverage auto insurance policy will pay to have your car repaired. If the accident in Northampton County was caused because your brakes failed when you tried to stop, it is unlikely that single incident will cause your credit score to drop.

While it is true that your credit score is one of the factors used by your auto insurance company to set the premium on your policy, it is also true that the score is more affected by the number of accidents you have rather than the reason that caused the accident.

So, if you take your car down to your local Bethlehem mechanic and get him to certify that your brake pads were worn or you did not have enough brake fluid in your cylinder that is not going to have an impact on whether or not your credit score will drop down or move up a few points.

In fact, your failure to properly maintain your car is most likely the reason that you had brake failure. Your insurer may consider the fact that you are irresponsible about maintaining your car in safe operating condition and consider you to be a higher-risk driver. From another viewpoint, if you can prove that somebody sabotaged your auto by cutting the brake line, then, your auto insurer will not put any negative mark against your credit score.

As your independent agent here in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, we understand that you are concerned about getting a lower credit score and having it result in a higher insurance premium bill to pay. Rest assured, Insurance companies use insurance credit scores as only a small part of their overall risk assessment process when writing a policy.

Will liability car insurance cover injuries to people on public transport caused due to a major accident in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania?

If you live in Bethlehem, Northampton County, or anywhere else in the state of Pennsylvania and want to drive a car, you must have auto insurance. Pennsylvania state insurance laws require you to carry a minimum amount of bodily injury and property liability insurance to help cover any liability you may have to other people should you be involved in an accident.

The required minimum coverage of $15,000 for one person and $30,000 for all people in a single accident may be adequate for minor accidents, but hardly enough if you get involved in a major accident where many people are hurt. If, for example, you hit a public transport vehicle like a city bus, your liability could soar into the millions.

Injuries caused to people on public transport are covered up to the limit of your liability coverage on your personal auto insurance policy. If your liability coverage is not enough to pay for any valid claims filed against you, your Bethlehem house and all of your personal assets could be at risk.

Car liability insurance covers any accident, whether it is to a public transport vehicle, a commercial truck or a passenger vehicle. The big issue is whether or not you have a sufficient amount of liability coverage, especially if you are found to be at fault in a major accident that injures or kills many people.

As your independent agent, we always stress the importance of having the right amount of auto insurance coverage. You should consider the consequences of not having enough liability insurance to cover major accidents with multiple injuries. Not only could your home and other assets be put at risk, but you may even have to make payments for years to compensate the accident victims for their injuries.

Please give us a call and an independent agent will be happy to review your policy and see if you are property insured and well-protected just in case an accident happens.

Is there a comparative site for quality car insurance in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania?

When you are shopping for car insurance that will keep you covered in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, you don’t have to look with just one company. You can visit a comparative site and consider multiple options when you browse for insurance online with your independent insurance agent.

Benefits of Comparing Car Insurance Companies

Like with any product that you buy, expanding your options increases the quality of the insurancepolicy that you end up with. This is why it’s more convenient to browse through numerous companies at the same time rather than looking up insurance companies one at a time.

When you compare car insurance policies online, it makes it easier to determine which companies offer the best rates, which companies offer the forms of coverage that you need, and which companies have the best perks for drivers. Comparing car insurance companies in one place makes it easier to take advantage of loyalty programs, discounts, and introductory offers.

How an Independent Agent Can Help

Don’t visit the website of a major carrier if you are looking to compare insurance quotes. The website of a single insurance company will only contain information that is flattering to their insurance products, but will leave you with little information for comparison. Instead, stick with the website of an independent agent who is authorized to carry insurance policies from multiple providers so that you can make the best choice. When you visit your independent agent online, you will immediately gain access to information on high-quality insurance providers in Northampton County.

However, a website is only a tool, and sometimes it doesn’t tell you the full story or provide all of the information you need. If you are comparing auto insurance policies online and still need help finding a policy that fits your needs, don’t hesitate to call us today to speak with an independent insurance agent.

Can a Person in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Without a Driving License Get Car Insurance ?

Obtaining a driving license is important if you want to operate a motor vehicle in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, but it does not necessarily mean that you are not able to obtain insurance for a vehicle you purchased before you get a license. If you have a driver’s permit and you own the car, then you may be eligible for auto coverage.

Variation between Companies

Since it is illegal to drive without a permit or a license, different companies will have a different policy when you want to obtain coverage. A person may be eligible to protect the vehicle and other drivers, but the company may determine that coverage is not possible until after a legal permit or license is obtained.

Drivers with a permit must have a licensed, adult passenger in the vehicle when they are driving. However, a permit may allow you to obtain coverage in Northampton County.

Comparing Options

If you have not yet obtained your driving license, then you should get a license before you purchase a vehicle. Companies can deny coverage if you are not licensed or can require proof of a license or permit before providing coverage. Compare your insurance options carefully before you decide that the company is appropriate for your needs. It will help ensure that you are not over-paying to protect your personal assets and finances.

Obtaining a car before you have a license may require you to look for coverage for other drivers until you are able to obtain the license. Although you may be able to find a company that will cover the vehicle, you may be required to have another licensed driver operate the car until after you’ve obtained a state license. To learn more about state laws and coverage options, call us to talk to an independent agent.

Will my auto insurance vary, if I use my car as a taxi in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania?

If you use your vehicle to shuttle paying customers around Bethlehem or Northampton County, you will need to upgrade your auto insurance. When you use your vehicle for business, you not only have to comply with Pennsylvania laws, but you also have to get the right type of insurance to cover the loss that you could incur while using your vehicle as a taxi cab.

What Type of Coverage You Will Need

If you don’t upgrade your insurance, you could find yourself at a major loss if you get into an accident while you are using your vehicle to provide taxi services. If your insurance company catches on that you are engaged in commercial activities when you get in an accident, they will reject your claim outright, leaving you to foot the bill for any damages or medical costs that you incur.

Commercial insurance is a special form of coverage that addresses the risks that you will face when using your vehicle for business. It includes liability coverage that will cover the injuries to your customers and shield you from any lawsuits that may arise following an accident. Commercial insurance also includes physical damage coverage to cover the damage to your car that is caused by a collision. This crucial form of coverage ensures that a wreck won’t put you out of business.

How an Independent Agent Can Help

The levels of coverage available to commercial drivers may vary between insurance companies. This is why it helps to shop with an independent agent. We carry insurance policies from multiple carriers so that you can compare the merits of different policies side-by-side. To learn more about obtaining the right type of insurance for your car, contact us today to speak with an independent agent.