If you have been hurt in an auto accident, you may be wondering about how the medical end of the auto insurance claim will work. This is actually a question that only your insurance agent can actually answer since every policy is different. Since your policy is created based on the needs you explained to the agent at the time you signed up for your policy.
If you were hurt in an accident that was the fault of another person, your medical coverage will usually be handled by the responsible person’s insurance policy. In the event that you were injured by another person who did not have liability insurance, or a person who did not have adequate liability insurance to cover all your medical bills, then your insurance agent may advise you to file a claim with your own insurance company for the medical damages.
If you were hurt in an accident that was your own fault, medical coverage can usually be covered by your own policy if you have comprehensive coverage. This is the type of coverage that handles medical bills incurred by you in the event that another person is not responsible.
When you need medical care it is important that you seek it out as soon as possible. Of course it is important to file your auto insurance claim quickly as well, but don’t delay any necessary medical care. Call your insurance agent and ask him about what type of medical coverage that you have in your car insurance policy.
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