If you have an auto accident, you would need to contact your auto insurance company as quickly as possible since they need to manage it for you. Get your insurance policy number, toll-free telephone number for filing a claim, and give them what they ask for on the telephone call. Usually, your insurance company would contact you soon after you report your claim. They would want to see the problem, the damages on your vehicle. Be certain that you keep the information from your telephone calls, such as, the names of the customer service employees and the time frame that you talked to them, too.
Be inquisitive if you do not know what they mean, and find out the answers to all your questions. Make your records, too, with photographs and a written record of the damages. Contact Saucon Insurance Agency in Bethlehem, PA, if you have any worries in reference to your insurance company and how they are managing your claim. Wait to make any repairs until your insurance company tells you to, and otherwise you could have a problem, like a denied claim.
When the inspection of the damages and paperwork has been taken from you, they would need to give you their information about accepting the claim and would tell you what to do next, such as find your auto repair shop. This is usually done quickly and helps you get back to your driving.
Contact your Saucon Insurance Agency that serves Bethlehem, PA, for more information about what could be done, if there is a problem. This auto insurance company could give you the help you need if there is a delay and any explanation you would need if anything unusual happens.