Not everyone is a safe driver in Bethlehem, PA and whether you want to believe it or not, you may be another culprit at times. If people are constantly telling you to slow down or be more careful, then you likely do not have the best driving habits. They may even be scared to ride with you. Driving safer can help you keep your auto insurance premiums low too so if you want to be a safer driver, use these tips from Saucon Insurance Agency.
- Remove distractions. The one device that causes the most distractions while you are driving is your cell phone. You do not need your cell phone to drive and if you are guilty of using it while driving, you should consider putting it in another place where you cannot reach it. That text can wait and texting while driving is illegal anyway.
- Use your blinkers. No matter what, if you are turning, you should use your turn signals. They are there to tell other drivers what you plan to do and to keep everyone aware. Use them as they are meant to be used to stay safer.
- Go the speed limit. Sure, driving fast may be fun but it can also be dangerous. Don’t test the limits. Always follow the speed limits for the area because they are posted for a reason.
- Wear your seatbelt. It is the law to wear one while driving and even if you do not like the way it feels, it is there to protect you. Always put it on no matter how short your drive may be.
Driving safer really takes just a few minor adjustments. This can make a huge difference though. If you need an auto insurance policy to protect you on the roads, be sure to reach out to Saucon Insurance Agency, serving Bethlehem, PA.