When purchasing an auto insurance policy, there are a few things you should want to focus on looking out for. You likely already know some basic steps to take but you may not know what you should avoid doing. Use these tips from Saucon Insurance Agency, serving Bethlehem, PA, when you are looking for your next auto insurance policy.
- Always make sure minimum state requirements are met. In Pennsylvania, there are minimum requirements set that you must have if you own and operate a vehicle. For bodily injury liability, you must have at least $15,000 per person. There is a limit of $30,000. For property damage liability, you must have $5,000 worth of coverage. You must also have $5,000 worth of first party benefits (PIP).
- Make sure the company has great customer service. When you are making a decision on an auto insurance policy, you should also be making a decision on the company. Customer service goes a long way and if your cost for the insurance is just a little bit more per month with a great company, then it will be well worth it.
- Make sure all of your coverage options are in the policy and there are no gaps. Before you sign up, you will need to ask for a copy of the policy coverage to ensure everything is there that you are wanting.
- Ask for discounts. It never hurts to ask for discounts for things such as affiliations, safe driver, good student, and more. Ask about these things before you sign up for a cost. You never know how much you can save with one or two discounts that you are eligible for.
Contact us at Saucon Insurance Agency, serving Bethlehem, PA, today and we will be happy to help you get quotes for auto insurance or even take a look at your current policy to ensure there are no gaps in coverage.